
In [1]:
# Standard setup block for running Python code
from __future__ import division, print_function
import os
if os.path.split(os.getcwd())[-1] == "Lab notebooks":
    print("Moved to experiment root directory")
from Modules.processing import *
from Modules.plotting import *
%matplotlib inline

Moved to experiment root directory

Daily checklist

  • Check tank depth and correct if necessary.
  • Home turbine axis.
  • Home tow axis.
  • Home y-axis.
  • Home z-axis.
  • Wipe any corrosion from turbine mounting frame.
  • Seed and mix tank until Vectrino SNR is approximately 12 dB.

Got to the lab about 9:40 AM.

Homed turbine, tow, y-, and z-axes.

Tank level is 2.45 m--good.

Going to start with a duplicate performance curve at 1.0 m/s today.

10:05 AM -- Adding a cup of seeding to the tank.

11:52 AM -- Got up to Perf-1.0-b run 12; taking a break for lunch.

1:05 PM -- Restarting Perf-1.0-b.

2:05 PM -- Starting Perf-0.8-b for better mean values.

4:26 PM -- Got up to $\lambda=4.5$ for Perf-0.8-b. Going to start wake runs at 1.0 m/s.

Homing y- and z-axes before starting to ensure they are in the correct positions.

Backing up data before starting Wake-1.0-0.0.

4:42 PM -- Started Wake-1.0-0.0. Confirmed that y-position of Vectrino has been scaled properly by the turbine radius.

5:32 PM -- Added a cup of seeding after run 8.

8:49 PM -- Finished Wake-1.0-0.0. Left limit RPOS of y-axis was -1.5245 m. Would be -1.5263 m ideally.

In [70]:
Section("Wake-1.0-0.0").process(nproc=1, nruns="new")

In [71]:
WakeProfile(1.0, 0.0).plot_mean_u()

In [57]:
df = PerfCurve(0.8).df

plt.errorbar(df.mean_tsr, df.mean_cp, fmt="o", yerr=df.exp_unc_cp)

In [58]:

In [37]:

Trying to predict how much time is left

In [72]:
# Setting things up
setup_time_sec = 3600
n_setup_times = 4

# Seconds per tow at each speed
seconds = {0.8 : 90 + 200,
           1.0 : 84 + 240,
           1.2 : 80 + 300}

# Wake runs
runs_per_wake = 43
nwake = 6
wake_speed = 1.0

# Runs for strut torque and strut covers
strut_covers_runs = 22
strut_torque_runs = strut_covers_runs*2

# Tare drag and torque
tare_drag_runs = 14
tare_torque_runs = 30
tare_drag_dur = 200
tare_torque_dur = 120

total_time_sec = n_setup_times*setup_time_sec + runs_per_wake*nwake*seconds[wake_speed] \
               + strut_covers_runs*seconds[wake_speed] + strut_torque_runs*tare_torque_dur \
               + tare_drag_runs*tare_drag_dur + tare_torque_runs*tare_torque_dur
total_hours = total_time_sec/3600
hours_per_day = 10
total_days = total_hours/hours_per_day

print(total_hours, total_days)

32.4444444444 3.24444444444